Select One, Inc. is a trucking company that is based out of McCook, IL. Select One, Inc, along with other companies in the trucking industry, must be aware of major factors influencing their business.
One thing that has always been a factor in trucking is the cost of fuel, which continues to rise over time. With the global push towards renewable energy and resources, fuel prices will not come down and will continue to cost the trucking industry until they adapt.
Trucking is becoming better in ways as well, with urbanization, in general, helping the industry. With more people moving closer to city centers, it is much more efficient and cost-effective for transportation of goods.
Wages and pricing play a crucial role in any industry, but the trucking industry has been below average for many years. With unemployment increasing due to business closures, drivers and other workers are starting to demand more of their efforts. Unfortunately, the market itself will dictate pricing and wages, and it is difficult to predict what will happen.